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Search Engine Registration by

Search Engine Registration - The keywords of your page is basically telling the search engines what words are associated with your page. Example; if you have a web page about "finance", it is probably a good idea to have loans or credit as one of your keywords. Now; do not list too many keywords. 10-15 keywords are about right. Most search engines do not record past 15 words. Also always make your city and or state part of your keywords. The reason is that a lot of people feel comfortable doing business with a company in their city or state.

Since keywords are the primary determinant of where your page is listed on the search engines huge data base, you must use them as often as possible in your text and at every opportunity you get. It is tantamount that you use them in an intelligible string of sentences. Don't just keep repeating the same word over and over again. Some search engines robots will actually penalize you for repeating the same word. Use your keyword in intelligent sentences. Remember that if you keep repeating too much on of your key words, you may end up making your page unreadable. So strike a good balance.

Search Engine Registration by

Search Engine Registration by
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