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Search Engine Ranking - Search Engine Placement

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SEARCH ENGINE TIPS Web Sites with Dynamic created pages also block Web crawlers. While it's great to give visitors unique experiences, tailored to their needs, the techniques you use to do that could stop search engines from indexing your content and hence could greatly reduce your potential traffic. Dynamically generated pages are created on the fly from a variety of elements held in databases. Typically such pages have a question mark (?) in the URL (or not). When a search engine crawler arrives at such a page, it captures the content but halts immediately, and will not follow the links, because it sees ahead of it an infinite number of pages -- a black hole that would bring it to a crash. !!!!! Suggestion create a static index page and add in the Metatag a robots tag with following text * Index ,not follow *

Search Engine Ranking - Search Engine Placement by

Search Engine  Ranking - Search Engine Placement
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