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Web Site Optimization by

Web Site Optimization
When fine-tuning your web pages for the optimal search engine optimization, positioning tools may be of great help. We have listed below same services for checking keywords density, and for checking link popularity and search engine ranking.
You will also find some high quality promotion programs that can make your day a bit easier. Remember: Metatags alone will not lead to a top ten position. As a matter of fact, metatags will not boost you ranking any more than normal text will do. Some search engines ignore them completely.
Select your keyword phrases with great care. Do not trust your instincts on this, but test them using keyword research tools . Include your keyword phrases in the TITLE-tag, the main headline (H1 or H2), the first (and the last) paragraph of normal sized text, in selected image ALT-tags and throughout the webpage (not too many times, though). Try to move the readable text as far up in the HTML-code as possible.

Web Site Optimization by

Web Site Optimization by
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