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Domain Name Forwarding & Cloaking by

Free Domain Forwarding & Domain Cloaking Service Web site is cloaked when the web address of a web site is hidden from viewers in their browser window. For example your user would type in into their browser window. They are then automatically redirected to your web site ( or any where you like. However your users would continue to as they browsed.
Important to know :
What is the major difference between normal "Domain Forwarding" and "Domain Cloaking".
Domain Cloaking is not visible for any User.
Domain Names with cloaking are possible to be registered to all Search Engines.
Domain Names with a normal DNS Forwarding are visible for all users ( Browser address bar shows new forwarded domain address.
Domain Names with normal DNS Forwarding are unable to be registered to any search engine. Search Engine Robots will stop after the forwarding command.

Domain Name Forwarding & Cloaking by

Domain Name Forwarding & Cloaking by
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